
ACTA-Vertrag von SPÖ-ÖVP Regierung beschlossen

* Die SPÖ-ÖVP Bundesregierung beschloß am 24.1.2012 beim Ministerrat die Unterzeichnungdes ACTA Vertrages (Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement; Gegen Produktpiraterie, aber leider auch gegen die Bürgerrechte). Einen Beschluß des österreichischen Parlaments gibt es bis heute nicht, schon gar nicht eine Volksabstimmung.
* ACTA wurde am 26. Jan 2012 von 22 der 27 EU-Mitgliedsländer unterschrieben. Österreichs Regierung ist wenig überraschend mit von der Partie.Österreichs EU-Botschafter Hans Dietmar Schweisgut unterzeichnete in Japan den Vertrag für Österreich.
* 11.2.2012: Anit-ACTA Demonstrationen in ganz Europa

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28.3.2012: Österreich....Anti-Belastungspaket Demonstration:

Thema: Die SPÖ-ÖVP Koalition will mit dem „Sparpaket“ die österreichische Bevölkerung weiter belasten und dieses am 28.3.2012 im Parlament beschließen lassen. Besser wäre es kein Steuergeld mehr an Banken, Parteien, Korruptionsempfänger und die EU zu zahlen. Das würde ausreichen, damit Österreich gar kein „Sparpaket“ braucht.
Ort: vor dem österreichischen Parlament, 1010 Wien, Dr. Karl Renner-Ring 3
Datum: Mi. 28.3.2012, 7:00 -8:30 Uhr
Belastungspaketgegner sind herzlich willkommen.
Programm: Ansprachen der EU-Austrittspartei und anderer teilnehmenden Organisationen.
Veranstalter: EU-Austrittspartei
bitte um Anmeldungsabler@euaustrittspartei.at
Rückfragen: 02231-68367

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Korruption in Österreich

Wie kann Korruption bestmöglich wachsen und gedeihen?

* keine echte Gewaltenteilung zwischen Politik - Staatsanwaltschaft - Gerichtsbarkeit. 

Alle wichtigen Institutionen werden von SPÖ & ÖVP dominiert.
* mangelhafte Gesetze
* Intrasparenz von Zahlungsvorgängen bei Parteien, Vereinen, staatsnahen Firmen, Ehefrauen und Ehemänner von Abgeordneten.
* nicht-öffentliche Jahresabschlüsse bei Parteien
* kein Anfütterungsverbot für Abgeordnete
* Aufsichtsbehörden, die ihren Job nicht ausreichend erfüllen
* Staatsanwälte, die Akten im Schrank "vergessen"
* lange Verfahrensdauer bei Staatsanwaltschaft und Gericht, bei der vieles in Vergessenheit gerät oder verjährt.
* Gerichte, die nur sanfte Urteile aussprechen, statt Haftstrafen eine elektronische Fussfessel für zu Hause aussprechen.

Als Vorbild in der Korruptionsbekämpfung kann man mittlerweile die Ukrainie (!) sehen. Da müssen Abgeordnete und ihre Familienmitglieder alle Einnahmen und Ausgaben offenlegen.

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Dr. Heiner Flassbeck zur Wirtschaftskrise und zur Sparpolitik

Via die Freunde von den Nachdenkseiten: Der UNCTAD-Chefökonom Heiner Flassbeck bei den Pleisweiler Gesprächen mit einem tollen Vortrag über makroökonomische Basics und die Perversion von Investmentmärkten, auf denen nichts Produktives mehr investiert wird:


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Dee Sutton Velez .................. "Politics is like one giant turd festival!!"

Politics is like one giant turd festival that robs people of their joy in life, because no matter what you do like the stock market, the odds are always going to be stacked against the average person trying to succeed by working hard, being honest only to be screwed over by the rich making up the rules. 

And its so damn depressing that both political parties sold us out, and are often in bed with each other... 
Yeah the thought of Hilary Clinton and Ted Kennedy in bed with Mr. Bush and Condi just terrifies me.. 

Think about this what difference was there when it came to the topic of illegal immigration? 
None people, that is why things stayed broken, they didn't give a rats ass to what you or I thought. 
Both sides funded La Raza, mediciad to migrants, first row seats NCLB, and supported illegal immigration.. 
These are FACTS......


It made me angry what the GOP did!
They tricked us both sides, in allowing the population of Latinos by the year 2050 to be 75 percent, if we allow them to charge the border and stay.

I'm not going to fund this racist group of people who both big government and big business loves to subsidize at our expense.. 

When I found out I was livid, and I lobbied for change and I was working for this org. when a car crashed into me after knocking down in state tuition for illegal aliens.. 

This population, if we don't stop funding them, will completely take over and destroy our country due to racism and socialism. 

For years I worked for free only because I used to do the maid work and know first-hand how they abused us, big business.. And second, they no longer hire Americans because they cannot pay people on the books.. 

Its wrong and more so wrong to sell out the middle class like that.. Thank you..


If these people leave by attrition due to real ID and E-verify, we'd have money for public education, we'd have plenty of jobs, health care rates would come down, and we'd be able to live the American dream. 

We need to repeal birth right citizenship and deport the Illegals and make them take there kids with them, which are citizens of both Mexico and Us, so they can go back across the border.. We don't owe anybody a living.. If they broke the laws to get here, they are illegal and therefore don't have the right to vote, attend schools or even be here..

Bottom line we don't care what you do for a living or the color of your skin, you must abide by the same immigration rules every one else does, go to the back of the line and leave our country until you completed the process. The lefts' argument is we are racists. These fascists anarchists would come in disrupt our meetings and bullied us for exposing the truth.. 

They create Government jobs by promoting racism, by promoting illegal activities to grow Government. If your in this country legally we would need no ESL services, and therefore we need to cut all this out of the budget.. 

Nowhere in the constitution does it say Government should fund or finance an illegal alien's child's culture at the expense of bankrupting our public education system..

Dee Sutton Velez.... USA

Ref: USA - English

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Predicting the West's decline ..............by Stephen Goode

Predicting the West's decline: Patrick Buchanan and Theodore Dalrymple blame the educated elite for championing a political and spiritual transformation that is ripping Western societies apart.

by Stephen Goode

The West won the long struggle against communism during the Cold War, and it was a great victory. What difference did it make?
During the 20th century the United States and many of the European nations -- plus Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and Singapore -- reached high levels of wealth and prosperity that were spread among larger numbers of people than ever before. In many countries, democracy has replaced dictatorships right and left, and where it long had been practiced -- in the United States, for example -- democratic government seems to be thriving.
But amidst all that comfort, progress and worldly success, many writers, journalists and intellectuals of all kinds -- filmmakers, rock singers and artists -- loudly express their doubts that what the West won in the Cold War was in any way held securely or even worth the winning. .....................................READ THE WHOLE ARTICLE; CLICK HERE

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