
Predicting the West's decline ..............by Stephen Goode

Predicting the West's decline: Patrick Buchanan and Theodore Dalrymple blame the educated elite for championing a political and spiritual transformation that is ripping Western societies apart.

by Stephen Goode

The West won the long struggle against communism during the Cold War, and it was a great victory. What difference did it make?
During the 20th century the United States and many of the European nations -- plus Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and Singapore -- reached high levels of wealth and prosperity that were spread among larger numbers of people than ever before. In many countries, democracy has replaced dictatorships right and left, and where it long had been practiced -- in the United States, for example -- democratic government seems to be thriving.
But amidst all that comfort, progress and worldly success, many writers, journalists and intellectuals of all kinds -- filmmakers, rock singers and artists -- loudly express their doubts that what the West won in the Cold War was in any way held securely or even worth the winning. .....................................READ THE WHOLE ARTICLE; CLICK HERE

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